• Search

    Searching is fairly straightforward. By default searching will look through titles, creators (authors, directors, actors and band/artists), description, tags, notes and groups. When clicking on the search input, advanced options appear. These options will let you create advanced searches to delve deeper into your data. Using the advanced search will…

  • Dashboards

    Dashboards are pre-built visualizations that Libib provides in order for you to see stats about your libraries. Total unique items Total copies Unique items added by rolling year Unique items added by year Total copies by item type Pricing summary for all items by collection Pro users get additional dashboards…

  • Batch Edit

    Batch edit is a pro feature that allows you to select and edit multiple items at a time. You can batch edit tags, notes, groups, call#, move items from one library to another, or delete items. Step 1: Select an item On Cover/Summary view, hover over the item’s cover image to reveal the white circle in…

  • Add Collection

    The first thing you need to do when you first create your account is visit Add Collection. Step 1: Collection Title Choose a Collection Title. This will be the name of our collection. Step 2: Collection Language Choose the Language. This is used for sorting purposes and should be the…

  • Import a CSV file

    Download CSV Import Templates Libib lets you import your items via a CSV file (UTF8 encoded), but does require that you have at least one identifying column (ISBN 13, ISBN 10, UPC, EAN). You can import items with only an ISBN/UPC, and other data will be auto-curated by Libib.If you add…

  • Item List – App

    After tapping on the collection you wish to explore, you will be presented with the item list page. This will, by default, be an alphabetic list of your items by title. (Sorting can be adjusted in the app’s settings). The Delete  and Edit buttons are revealed when you swipe on an item. Delete deletes the item…

  • Settings – App

    Account shows the account you’re currently in, as well as your role in that account. If you have been assigned as a manager in a different account, you can tap on this section to bring up a list of accounts that your email has access to. Tapping on a different…

  • Search – App

    Clicking on the magnifying glass in the top right corner of the collections page will take to you the search page, which has an input box that will allow you to search across all your libraries at once. The results will display: title, creator (author/director/etc…), library the item resides in, any ratings you…

  • Item Details – App

    When an item is tapped, either from the search page or the item list page, you will be brought to the item’s details. From this page you can view cover art, description, metadata such as ISBN and page #, your ratings, tags and other options. Catalog contains the catalog data (such as DDC, LCC…)…