Add Items

There are 3 ways to add items on the website:

  1. Search
  2. Manual Entry
  3. CSV Import

When searching to add an item select the collection you want to add the item to, the type of item you are searching for, and then type your search in the input box.

For all types of items, UPC/ISBN does an immediate lookup and add. If you have a physical barcode scanner, you can place your cursor in the input box, and just start scanning each item. Otherwise, you can simply type the UPC/ISBN in the input box. This is the most accurate way to lookup an item. (Books only lookup using ISBN, using a UPC for books will often return incorrect information.)

Books published 2005 and later will have their barcodes match their ISBN; books prior to 2005 may not! Look in the inside cover for an ISBN barcode and/or number for older books. If none can be found, use the keyword search or manual entry.

Keywords let you search for items without needing the UPC/ISBN. You can look up items by titles, authors, actors, directors, keywords, band names, etc… This comes handy when you don’t have the UPC/ISBN available.

LCCN – You can lookup books using its LCCN (Library of Congress Control Number). There are specific ways to format these numbers, which don’t always match the format being shown in the book.

Manual Entry

Manual Entry will allow you to create a completely custom entry. Antique books will not always be found, or sometimes a personal entry needs to be made. Manually entering is the way to create an entry that can’t be imported.

Pro users have access to the additional fields that are provided on Pro accounts when creating a manual entry.

CSV Import

The CSV Import will take list items in a csv file and import them.

The only required column is a valid ISBN column (for books) or valid UPC (for all other types). The CSV importer will lookup an item using the ISBN/UPC number and import that data automatically.

The CSV file must only contain a single type of item. Books and movies, for instance, can not be mixed together in an import. They must be imported separately. Otherwise the items will be improperly identified in the system (and likely not imported at all).

For detailed instructions view how to import a csv file.

Updated on April 11, 2022
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