GET /patrons – REST API List Patrons: GET /patrons Retrieve a list of all existing patrons on your site. Returns 50 patrons at a time....
GET patrons/{id} – REST API Retrieve a Patron: GET /patrons/{id} Retrieve a single patron by passing the patron’s barcode or email as an id. Query...
POST /patrons – REST API Create a Patron: POST /patrons Create a completely new patron in the account. URL ParametersValues should be paramaterized such as...
POST /patrons/{id} – REST API Update a Patron: POST /patrons/{id} Update specific fields for an existing patron. Query Parameters id: A unique ID for the...
DELETE patrons/{id} – REST API Delete a Patron: DELETE /patrons/{id} Remove a single patron by passing the patron’s barcode or email as an id. Deleting...