Batch Edit

Batch edit is a pro feature that allows you to select and edit multiple items at a time.

You can batch edit tags, notesgroupscall#, move items from one library to another, or delete items.

Step 1: Select an item

On Cover/Summary view, hover over the item’s cover image to reveal the white circle in the bottom right corner of the cover image – click that circle to select the item and bring up the batch edit panel.

On List View click the circle that appears to the left of the item’s title – this will activate the batch edit panel.

Step 2: Continue selections

Select more items from the collections page, or use the search/filters to find specific items. You can optionally click the “Select collection” or “Select search” buttons to select all items in a collection or all items that are currently displayed in an active search.

Step 3: Batch process

Choose the process you want to complete – follow the additional steps for each and click Submit to complete the batch edit.

Tags support the options to add, replace or delete tags. Add Tags allows you the option of adding new tags to existing ones. If you add tags that already exist on an item, Libib will automatically consolidate those for you. Replace allows you to choose a single tag, and replace it with another. If the tag does not exist in your selection, no action is taken. Delete will remove the entered tag.

Call# allows you to set the call number for selected items. You can type DELETE CALL to remove the call# for selected items as well.

Notes appends to existing notes for all selected items. To delete existing notes in a selection, type in DELETE NOTES.

Group will create a new group or replace an item’s current group. To delete an existing group in the selection, type DELETE GROUP.

Move will take your selection and move it into another collection. Items that are being actively lent or have active holds can not be moved.

Delete will permanently remove the selected items from the collection.

Batch edit is a permanent action that cannot be undone. The one exception is for Pro accounts, which have the option of restoring deleted items in Settings > Restore.
Updated on June 15, 2022
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