Collections Settings

Export Collection Data (.csv) allows you to choose any of your collections and export them to a comma separated values (csv) file. You can only export one collection at a time, and they will exist as separate files.

Export barcodes(.csv) allows you to export a list of auto-generated custom barcode numbers (or your own custom barcodes if you have edited) for each copy of every item in a library. The export contains a subset of the information in the “Export a library” file, in a de-normalized format. The primary purpose of this export is to create labels.
Manage Additional Fields allows users to add up to 4 custom fields for each media type.

Set Article Location – Determines where to place articles on a title. The options or Hide: Giver, Front: The Giver, or Back: Giver, The.

Set default status allows you to automatically set an item’s status when it is added. If every book you add is created after you’ve read it, you can set the default to “Completed” and every item you add will register as completed. This affects all libraries.

Rename Collections will allow you to change the name of an existing collection.

Delete Collections will delete the collections you choose. This is an unrecoverable action for Basic Libib users. If you delete a collection, the collection, along with all the items in the library are deleted permanently.

Restore can be used to recover entire collections for up to 30 days after deletion. This option is found under Settings > Restore tab.
Updated on April 13, 2022
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