When an item is tapped, either from the search page or the item list page, you will be brought to the item’s details.
From this page you can view cover art, description, metadata such as ISBN and page #, your ratings, tags and other options.
Catalog contains the catalog data (such as DDC, LCC…) that Libib has for the item.
Information is a list of the item’s metadata. Things like ISBN, page #, copies, etc…
Description is a descriptive summary about the item.
Notes are any additional long form notes that have been made about the item.
Reviews will show you your review, if you have created one.
Edit button will bring up your list of options, including:
- Copies: The number of copies you have of this item.
- Cover Image: Will allow you to upload a different image.
- Edit: Change the metadata of the item: title, creator (author/directory/etc…), and description. Pro users will have the ability to edit all fields.
- Group: Place items in a series grouping. Will re-sort under the group heading when sorting by title.
- Move: Move your item from one collection to another.
- Notes: Add any type of additional note to your item.
- Tags: A way to categorize your items. Each item can have multiple tags.
- Rating: Your rating for the item, you can rate by half stars from 0 – 5.
- Review: Leave your review for the item. Reviews are publicly accessible.
- Status: Your current status in regards to the item; (not begun, in progress, completed, abandoned) as well as track the began/completed dates. You can add multiple status’.
Delete deletes the item from the collection. Deletions are permanent and can not be undone.