Account shows the account you’re currently in, as well as your role in that account. If you have been assigned as a manager in a different account, you can tap on this section to bring up a list of accounts that your email has access to. Tapping on a different account will switch you over.
Email is your email address. This stays the same across the account that you are the owner of, and any accounts that you might be a manager of as well.
Sort Libraries option has 3 choices on the app: Title, Creator (authors/directors/etc…), and Date Added. Sorting is a global setting for the app and affects all collections.
Theme gives you the option to change the color theme from Libib’s default to a dark or light theme.
Support links off-app to the support website.
Contact Us links off-app to our contact page.
Rate Us is a direct link to the App/Play Store where you can rate Libib. We never have nag pop-ups, so please consider rating us!
Logout signs all accounts out of the mobile app.